Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4 Tips to Resist the Restaurant Call

Oh, the call of the Restaurant Jungle. SO many places to choose from, most smartpoint unfriendly. But, sometimes, we lose that motivation and we just don't care. The reasons are among many: you're tired, you don't want to cook, what you had planned doesn't sound as good as it did this morning, you don't want to do the dishes, you just want to celebrate the weight you lost (go figure?)...the list goes on and on.

I had a friend from school drop by earlier in the week saying that she and her husband were on their way to try Popeye's down the way and wanted to swing by really quick. Isn't it funny how when our minds are tired, it reflects on restaurants we HAVEN'T tried or HAVEN'T eaten at in a while? Just when I'm at my weakest and tiredest, Hmmm...Those "squished fish patty on a bun" commercials are ringing some bells right now. I guess some fried shrimp and Louisiana biscuits sound good right about now. That was my first sign...the whole "I guess" part of that phrase.

So, how do resist those unmotivated thoughts and stay on track? Here are some thoughts I think to myself in order to keep away until I'm in the right mindset.

5 Tips to Resist the Restaurant Call

1. Listen to Your Inner Voice
That was my first sign, like I said earlier. I've practiced changing my self-talk SO MUCH, that I REALLY pay attention to phrases that I'm using. If ANYTHING sounds unmotivated or negative, there is some self-love I need to give myself. If I'm excited and feeling confident in my abilities and self, then I go ahead and enjoy myself with what I have in mind to do. Then, I move on to the next couple questions I ask myself.

2. Is it in the Budget?
So, you are at the end of your smartpoint week, your weekly smartpoints reset TOMORROW. You take a look at your tracker and you've got 11 smartpoints left. What could you possibly eat out, that would be close by, where Little Man could eat, and somewhere that would be worth it. If you are tossing back and forth between places and nothing gives you a confident resolve, then don't waste your points. Remember? We are working on feeding ourselves GOOD FOOD. Even if you CAN afford a small McDonald's cheeseburger, will that be as satisfying as getting a REAL burger with your weekly smartpoints? That's up to you to decide.

3. Is it in the Monetary Budget?
Now mind you, after thinking through my smartpoints, I was still tired, and didn't really want to cook. So, I was still leaning toward the Restaurant Jungle. So, I then turned to our Eating Out Budget. That's a BIG ticker for me, and probably the leading factor in it all. My husband and I set up a budget for ourselves to follow and help us save money. We have 2 more weeks left in the month and enough money to eat out 2 more times. Do I want to go eat out with my family tonight with minimal smartpoints, or do I want us to spend our money on a place where we REALLY want to go and I can enjoy myself?

4. Recognizing Your Thought Process
I've thought about my smartpoints budget, I've thought about our monetary budget, and I'm starting to come to my senses. BUT, I'm still tired and have no motivation to clean the kitchen. But, I've been working at my lifestyle change for a while. Each thing I do that's good for myself  and my family, gets me one step closer to the lifestyle I want to live. Just because I'm tired tonight doesn't mean I still can't cook something good for my family. 
It doesn't have to be elaborate, they are my boys...they love ANYTHING I cook (except brussel sprouts). 

I'll feel so much better about myself that I stuck out my plan and made something that didn't cost more money and would satisfy me in my smartpoints that I have left.

5. Spend Your Smartpoints, Finances, and Family Time Somewhere that you REALLY Want to Go
I've seen the light in recognizing that my daily and weekly smartpoints are precious things; why would I want to waste my points on something that I GUESS I'd like to try? Truth be told, after going through ALL these questions in my mind, we ended up NOT going to Popeye's. I reflected on the ONE TIME I HAD been to Popeye's, probably 20 years ago, and I remember how greasy it was. That did not sound good to me. I honestly didn't really WANT to eat out anywhere it particular, and if I was going to eat out, I wanted it to be somewhere that I'd really enjoy. Turns out, I bucked up, stuck with my lifestyle change goal of eating out only once a week on Saturdays. See that Specific Measureable Attainable Reasonable Time-sensitive goal? That goal, too, kept me grounded. For dinner that night, I made spaghetti with meatballs and a green salad. Little Man was happy and Hubby was happy, and I was VERY happy that I was able to eat that WHOLE DINNER and not just a small side order of fried shrimp.

Take a little bit of time and have a good 1 minute conversation with yourself before you commit to any other person.
Now, if your FAMILY wants to eat out, you know what to do...
1. Look up the restaurant on your WW app or online
2. Look at their menu
3. See what sounds good BEFORE you get there
4. Plan for it and enjoy it.

You don't have to fear the restaurant jungle; you can rule it!
Happy Eating,

Thursday, April 14, 2016

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Our first response is "make lemonade".

Sometimes...I don't feel like it. Or rather...I can't.

Sometimes, I'm a toad to myself and decide to just suck on the lemons and hope they taste better.

Truth is...they never do.

If you have a lemon in your life, whether it's a person or your own attitude (which is my issue today), don't just suck on the lemon. Get some work done and turn it into lemonade.

Lemons have to be squeezed...really put under some pressure to get all the juice out. We don't save the stuff that's not of use...we throw it away. Then the juice? We add water to make the juice stretch and then some sugar to make it consumable and delicious.

Today is a lemon day. Let's break down the three F's of a healthy lifestyle and how I can turn this day around. Will you do it with me?

I've struggled the past two weeks with feeling TIRED! Just drop dead BONE TIRED. And I can't figure out why! I even put a halt on my weight training to see if THAT would help. Last week, it did! I felt a little better and so I was ready to amp up my training again this week...and it's just not happening. Two days in a row I've napped while my son has napped, but I'm currently waiting for him to wake up so we can go for a walk around the neighborhood.

I'm totally lemony right now because I'm frustrated as to why I'm so tired. I "should" be exercising, I "should" be wanting to be out and about...Should, should, should...blah, blah, blah.

Remember? Should ONLY induces guilt. My goal is to someday be that strong, health and fitness coach that goes and works out despite it being 9pm and I don't really want to. Granted, I've done it a few times, but it's not my "go-to" mentality. I want to be that person that works out hard core despite being bone tired...

But I'm not there yet. And then I remember that this life is a journey and I will get to be a "go-getter" every day. I need to take this time to get to know myself and handle my emotions and my body properly, so that when my body says "no" I can assess whether it really needs a nap or just a kick in the pants. Today, it needed a nap. Tomorrow? Maybe just a kick in the pants. 

Will I take the rest of this week off with my weight training? Maybe. Will I go walking to at least get my steps in? Totally. 

My appetite is seriously calling me Tina right now...."Eat the FOOD Tina! EAT THE FOOD!" I just want to eat everything! I want carbs...I want bananas, I want apples, I want berries (yeah? kinda backwards that I'm frustrated with that right now) It's SUPPOSED to be a Low Carb day where fruit is limited and breads, pastas, and grains are put on hold. Wah-wah...haven't been doing that structure today.

Maybe it's because I didn't meal plan this week? Maybe it's because I'm feeling tired? Who knows. I decided to put the brakes on forcing myself to WANT LC food options. I woke up from my nap starving...and I wanted a Raspberry White Chocolate Quest Bar. I scrolled through my Weight Watchers Connect to stall a little and see if I really was hungry. I found a quote a member had posted that I REALLY loved and it resonated with me...once I changed it a little. 

It read: "Eat pretty fruit, do your squats, and don't let boys be mean to you." 

I decided to read it as "Eat pretty fruit, do your squats, and don't let YOU be mean to YOU."

So along with that white chocolate raspberry bar, I picked up an apple too. And then I took a picture.

As I sat and looked at the picture, I realized that this picture speaks volumes. 

Ready to make some lemonade?

In my hand, I'm not holding a donut or a cookie or a milkshake...I'm holding an apple. A delicious LOOKING apple, by the way, and it's an answer to a CRAVING.

On my wrist? There is a FitBit band: one with a heart rate monitor, stair tracker, work-out recorder, and calorie counter. I look to this thing daily.

My fingernails? They aren't chewed...I haven't bitten my fingernails in months. 

Something must be going right. I want to remember that I'm still doing good things, even when the day is a bit lemony.

This area of my life might be a little bit out of whack right now. I can't seem to find one thing that would do me good. Maybe when I get my walk in for today and I eat just what sounds good, along with tracking it-regardless of it being high carb or low carb- my rose colored glasses will slip themselves on again.
Maybe I miss my family-my mom, my dad, my 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Maybe that's why I am in a funk. The weather is great and usually I would head on down to their house and hang out. Not an option anymore. Don't know what's up...but I'm hoping to work out the kinks sooner than later.

And maybe that's just it. I'm feeling lemony because an aspect of my life is out of whack. Time to get on my tennis shoes and go for a walk to figure it out; get some sunshine and breathe in some fresh air.

What's on the menu for dinner tonight? I can't decide. Normally I prep and am doing great when it comes to dinner... it may just be a cereal, eggs, and turkey bacon kind of night. Maybe I'll feel adventurous and do waffles. Who knows?

What I do know is that it's time to grab this lemony day and start squeezing, search for some sugar and start making some lemonade.

We can do this.

Happy lemonade making,

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Cinnamon French Toast

Oh my heaven's, it's delicious!

Sometimes I contemplate not going to work on Saturday mornings so I could get the limitless French Toast at our local bakery shop. Kneaders. Sound familiar? Everything in that place is so point heavy, that I would just have accept the negatives by just smelling the place.

And really? It's okay to do that sometimes.

But for all the other days when that French Toast craving kicks in...which I've never really LIKED French Toast...never really had a desire for it, other than when we swing into Kneader's on a blue moon...I've found a super smartpoint friendly version that I have made multiple times over already! The beautiful thing about it? You can totally change it up with the fruit you dress it with, according to your desires. It's so simple, but so delicious!

Protein French Toast (7sp for the whole dish)
2 slices Ezekiel 4:9 Bread, Low Sodium*
1 egg
1 T Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk
Dash of cinnamon
1/4 c 1% cottage cheese
1 cup fruit of choice
2 T sugar free syrup

Mix egg, almond milk, and cinnamon in bowl. Coat slices of bread with egg mixture and cook in pan to desired texture. Top french toast slices with 1/4 c cottage cheese, berries, and syrup.


Cottage cheese on top of french toast? You're kidding right? No. Seriously. It's the best breakfast I've had. If I'm not making my Cinnamon Apple Muesli with the greek yogurt and oats, I'm eating this baby! It's so quick and easy to make, yet so wonderful to eat! And your imagination/hunger is the limit! Put any type of fruit on top! It is SURE to please. Best thing, you don't feel heavy afterwards. The salty of the cottage cheese, and the sweet of the maple syrup...I've seriously contemplated having this meal multiple times a day. It's a great treat, with no guilt or yucky-tummy-ness attached.

So delicious.

"Make food thy medicine",

*I've had a couple people ask where I get the bread. I have found it at Sprouts and Smith's in the refrigerated health food section of the stores, toward the bottom shelf. At Trader Joe's they also have it unrefrigerated. My go-to place is Smiths! M&M has also tried this recipe with the Sarah Lee Delightful 45 calorie bread which shaves off 2 smartpoints. I still like the Ezekiel because the bread is so hearty and filling and quite good for you! It's all personal preference!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I Scream, You Scream...

...We ALL scream for ice cream!

Most of the time my screaming for ice cream has been due to the shock of how many points I just consumed...

But oh, how delicious it was!

Case and Point: A JCW'S Grasshopper MINI milkshake...It was like 16 smartpoints for 1/2 of it...NOT counting the Oreo on top

So, ice cream has been a RARE indulgence because I LOVE it so much and WILL CONSUME the WHOLE THING which, in turn, consumes my weekly points and dips me into the negatives...Boo hoo.

What's an ice cream lover to do, other than make ice cream a rare occasion and choose her joys wisely??

Well, you be nosy, reach out, and go hunting in the vastness we call...The Freezer Section.

I've been hearing a LOT of talk about Halo Top Ice Cream and Arctic Zero Ice Cream.

And, duh, of course I've tried both. And yes, of course, I'll give you my opinion on both...

NOTE: The following post is all my personal opinion, take my suggestions and thoughts as you will!

Here's the break down...

I've tried one flavor with Arctic Zero (Maple Vanilla) and it was the first brand of specialty, low calorie ice cream that I've tried. A friend hit it's taste right on the head: "If any of you have been disappointed or hurt by the flavor of Arctic Zero's dirty water..."

After some thinking, she is totally right. Don't try the Maple Vanilla first...I repeat, DON'T DO IT. I eventually threw it away because I couldn't bring myself to waste a point on it again.

Camille's Quick Tip: If it's NOT GOOD...Don't Eat it! And remember, with ANYTHING that you eat, if you find yourself saying (even once or even in the slightest) "this is not so good" or "I'm not sure this is worth it" Stop eating it, step away or throw away. Don't waste your points on something you don't LOVE.

Now, with all that being said, I've decided to give Arctic Zero another shot. I've heard that the chunky flavors are good and that the Cookie Shake tastes just like an Oreo cookie. But for fear of being disappointed again, I decided to give the Chunky Brownie Blast a try.

I have not yet opened it, but I'm hoping this will be as good as others have declared. If you are wanting to get out there and try any of the flavors, which I totally encourage you to do...Lots of people love Arctic Zero! I found LOTS of people love the Maple Vanilla (hence the reason why I tried that flavor first). We all have to try new things or else we will never know! The smartpoint count is really low, totally depending on the flavor. For my Brownie Blast it is 3 smartpoints for 1/2 cup. The smartpoint value per serving drew me to this ice cream brand in the first place, but I'm totally about food NEEDING to taste good and Vanilla Maple does NOT.

So, here's hoping the Brownie will be better. I ALMOST tried the Banana Pudding, but remember my rule of thumb...NEVER try ANYTHING banana flavored FIRST! So Brownie it is!

  • Where to Buy:
    • Smith's
    • Harmon's
    • Walmart
    • Whole Food's
  • Location within the Store:
    • Smith's- This can be found in the health food section, as well as the regular ice cream section where you find the gelato's a specialty ice creams. If you don't find a flavor you want to try in the health food section, go over to the specialty ice creams near the gelato an there will be a few more flavors.
    • Harmon's- It's located in the health food section
    • Walmart- a little after or before (Depending on which way you enter the aisle) the regular ice cream...Near Ben & Jerry's
    • Whole Food's- in your specialty section/health section of ice cream flavors 
  • Flavors:
    • There are A TON of flavors, both Creamy Pints and Chunky Pints...Please see link above to search out the flavors!
  • Smartpoints per 1/2 cup:
    • I'd have to do some digging, but the smartpoint value ranges anywhere from 1sp to 3 sp. The creamier ice creams I've found to be 1-2 smartpoints and the chunkier ice creams I've found to be 3 smartpoints. Get out your handy dandy scanner or calculator for exact smartpoint value

Halo Top Ice Cream. Write this down on your shopping list...Now!! H-A-L-O T-O-P That's right, TRUST ME on this one! I heard a LOT about Halo Top ice cream, and the same friend who resonated with me on the dirty water said this stuff was DELICIOUS! So I trusted her again, and...she was right! I'm telling you, this ice cream is the bomb. So fresh and so flavorful, but most important, SO MUCH LIKE REAL ICE CREAM without ANY of the guilt.

I truly feel like angel's should be singing as you look at this picture...

I mean, it literally has a golden halo...and I don't know HOW my camera did it...but the picture itself has a golden glow!

I had a WHOLE CUP of ice cream last night for ONLY 4 smartpoints! Do you know HOW LONG it has been since I have had a WHOLE CUP of ice cream without groaning at the smartpoint count?! When I had my first bite of the Mint Chip...I needed a moment. It was THAT good. When I found it at our local Smith's Grocery Store, I stocked up! I bought 2 Lemon Cake and 2 Mint Chip. When you find them in the store...Harmon's and Smith's is the only place I've found so far...STOCK UP because they sell out FAST. I am IN LOVE with the Mint Chip, and the Lemon Cake is DELICIOUS with Trader Joe's Cinnamon Graham Crackers (yes, I'm totally making a ice cream sandwich with this stuff on Saturday). I've looked into Skinny Cow and I've liked them before, but the smartpoint count was not worth it to me. Halo Top totally is! My husband tried to take my bowl from me! Last night I had 1/2 c of Lemon Cake for 2 sp and 1/2 c of Mint Chip for 2 sp with 2 cinnamon graham crackers because I couldn't help myself. The ice cream fit into my daily smartpoint balance, and the graham crackers were taken care of by my FitPoints. So a DELICIOUS and SATISFYING dessert for only 7 smartpoints!!

The way I went about purchasing the ice cream, because if it wasn't going to be good..why waste my money on a flavor that I deemed "ok" (reflection on the hurt I received from my horrible purchase with Arctic Zero), I searched ALL OVER for anywhere that sold it. I found Harmon's and the only flavor they had left was Strawberry. I LOVE strawberry ice cream...but it was the only flavor left, so my eyebrow went up and decided to wait. With shoulders slumped, I ran to Smith's to get some other groceries and LOW AND BEHOLD I found 1 flavor: Lemon Cake. I bought it, because I really wanted to try that flavor and saw that Mint Chip would soon be available. First thing Monday morning? Went back to Smith's and purchased 2 Mint Chips and 1 more Lemon Cake because the stuff is THAT GOOD!!

  • Where to Buy: (will add more to list if I discover other locations)
    • Smith's 
    • Harmon's
    • Kroger
  • Location within the Store:
    • Smith's- Health Food Freezer Section
    • Harmon's-In their freezer section with all of the lactose free, gluten free, soy based ice creams. I found it kind of in between regular, rich ice cream
    • Kroger- we don't have on close in the valley, but the website says to check your health food refrigerated section
  • Flavors: (Birthday Cake and Strawberry are my next 2 flavors to try!)
    • Vanilla Bean
    • Chocolate
    • Lemon Cake
    • Strawberry
    • Mint Chip
    • Chocolate Mocha Chip
    • Birthday Cake
  • Smartpoints per 1/2 cup:
    • All flavors carry a smartpoint value of 2
Get to your local Smith's, Walmart, Harmon's where ever...and go hunting in the freezer jungle! Try something new for a change and be adventurous!

Much love and happy hunting,

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Confess, Assess, Recommit

Yep, it's that time again...Time for me to Confess, Assess and Recommit.

I confess...this picture sums up my week, and especially my weekend perfectly...

This past week has been ABSOLUTELY nuts for me. I was making notes on my phone of meals that I needed to write about and the list just kept getting longer and longer, as well as lower and lower on my list of things to do. I realized today, that I just needed to sit down and write my thoughts.

Confessing, Assessing , and Recommitting and a form of painful love, I guess, when it comes to transformation. I talked about "finding your Sarah" a few posts ago, and this process is one of the many things you do along your heal...and to get better.

So, I Confess...This last week was nuts for me! My days seemed to go by so fast. I kept a diligent record of all my eating and I did GREAT with my exercise. I was really proud of my efforts, but I noticed that at the end of my days, I lacked motivation to stay the course.

Assess- I know that this lifestyle I am working towards is the one I want to live. I also know that I need to have balance and that I still need to enjoy foods that are out of the ordinary for me every once in a while.

Recommit- I am so glad to be back on track today. I made a very successful meal plan of this coming week, I've stuck to it diligently, I've tracked everything, and I'm rocking my exercise and feeling great. I also have improved my grocery shopping habits, and that has helped tremendously. This is how I want to live my life.

2 days of, both literally and metaphorically speaking, too much on my plate does not need to derail my life's goal of living healthier.

I've heard it said that people can "fail their way to victory". I don't like to think that way. I prefer it as "falling". After you fall, you ALWAYS pick yourself back up...OR you RELY on someone else to help you. Both are acceptable, and no one judges you for either. I truly believe this is the same case with our lifestyle journeys. Failing is when you stop trying to be better and you neglect ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFESTYLE CHANGES...

Thus, my other confession...

I lost all grip on my healthy eating reality yesterday. I had no motivation on Saturday to eat well. My mind and my heart was just not in was not interesting to me, and so I didn't care what I ate. Sunday was the same. I visited my in-laws and one single bite of a treat, now labeled as a trigger food that I was NOT AWARE OF before...led to a complete and total...dare I say it...binge.

"Binge" has such a negative connotation to me...So, I don't like to use it, but that is the only word accurate enough to describe my lack in control of my consumption of food. It was like, literally feeding myself pieces of poison that made my brain feel euphoric. It was a feeling I had never been aware of to experience. I didn't even care to stop, I just kept eating and eating and eating.

Don't believe me? I'm just going to bare all...I'm not going to bore you through my Saturday because I ended that day with 1 Weekly Smartpoint to my discretion. Sunday was the huge tumble off the cliff...Which, it didn't start out horribly food wise...but I didn't wake up the happiest...and I think that REALLY put a spin on my mental conviction to my lifestyle. But I'm telling you, tracking saved my sanity later that night when I reflected on my choices throughout the evening, and I was able to rise with the sunshine and exercise and eat well. poor little thing...this is how you look in my tracker...

1/2 medium Blood Orange
1 T Trader Joe's Crunchy Salted Almond Butter
1 slice Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 Bread, Sprouted Grain, Low Sodium

1 Nature Valley Chili dark chocolate sweet & spicy granola bar
1 Mini Babybel Light Semisoft Cheese Wedge
1 Bubba's Lite English Muffin
1 Egg
3 1/8 oz Kirkland Signature Turkey Breast Slices

1 Bamboo Lane Crunchy Rice Roller
1 Piece of Lindt Gold Bunny and Friends Assorted Milk Chocolates
1/2 slice Harmon's Cake, Red Velvet 1 Layer
1/3 cup ice cream
1 cup New England Clam Chowder
1 T Raspberry Vinaigrette
1/2 T Cool Whip Whipped Topping
6 Tostitos Hint of Lime Tortilla Chips
25 Mini Cadbury Eggs solid milk chocolate with crisp sugar shell
1 cup Irish Brown Stew
2/3 Sourdough Bread Soup Bowl

2.5 oz Fudge

There you go...the cold hard truth of it all...

The beautiful thing about yesterday's experience? I learned how to better empathize with those of you who go through this on a weekly basis.

The only difference in me now versus me 6 months ago?

I've learned to not allow Guilt set in.

Of course, Guilt still tries to rear it's ugly head every day...but I don't give it power. I use my self-talk and get myself out and away from that pit of despair. After I consumed so much...I did not feel guilty. I felt really sick, but I laughed at myself. I couldn't believe how much food my body was able to consume. And do you know why I found it funny? Because I tracked every. single. piece. of. food. that. I. ate. Literally, every candy I put in my mouth, I just moved my serving size up 1...2...3...

So on, and so forth.

Mentally, as I confessed to M&M about my day...I realized I just needed that day. I needed to just let go of my eating. I don't know why I needed it...I truly don't. But after I did, I felt liberated and excited to exercise first thing this morning and I felt excited to meal plan and I felt excited to eat the way my body is used to again.
Did I have weird cravings today? Yeah! I totally did!

But did I allow it to control me? No.

My friends, when we fall, and as I said, I fell HARD...the worst thing we could do is belittle and berate ourselves.

The most healing thing we can do is to forgive ourselves of our shortcomings, and take a deep breath, and be filled with gratitude that you CAN do better in the morning. The sun always rises, and the sun always sets, and life goes on.

When you fill yourself with guilt, you rob yourself of the strength you can gain of the experience you just had. Sherlock Holmes, from the TV series,  Elementary, blew my mind and opened my eyes the other day. His assistant, Joan Watson, had been living with guilt of an accident that occurred during a surgery she performed. Because of that accident, a patient died, and the son of that patient had been looming in her life for money...hanging her mistake in front of her whenever it was convenient for him to receive monetary gain. She asked Sherlock for a raise, ultimately to help this boy our financially. Sherlock was quite upset that she would allow herself to be taken advantage of, but gave her $20k to pay off the young man and get him out of her life.

When she questioned Sherlock about the amount of money, almost quadruple her asking amount, he said this to her: "Watson, I've spent my entire career studying poisons. And amidst all my study, I have found guilt to be the most lethal of all."

Please, don't feel guilty about your mistakes. Don't beat yourself up because you can't explain why a binge happened, or why you couldn't stop yourself from consuming that bag of darn bag of Mini Cadbury eggs. You did it. It happened. I'm not judging you because I've been there too. But you know what? The sun set brings the close of one day's chapter, and the sun rising brings on a brand new day.

Breathe that in and live by it.

 Yesterday I ended my night -50 smartpoints. Tonight, I end my night -36 smartpoints. My exercise is doing great things for me, and I have not yet eaten the last 5 smartpoints of my day...which I know exactly how I will use. Tomorrow, I will be less than -36 smartpoints, and by Friday, I WILL be back in the positive range of having excess FitPoints to consume if I choose.

The sun has set on a good day, and the sun will rise on a even better one for me tomorrow.

Let it do the same to you.

Confess. Assess. Recommit. Forgive.

It will do wonders!!
Much love,